Information for Sellers

Information for Sellers

Are You Ready to Get the Most from Your Home Selling Experience?

Helping families like yours do just that is not only my profession,  but my passion.  That’s why I’ve prepared this brief presentation to share with you the most important components for getting your home sold in the shortest period of time,  for the best possible return and the fewest headaches!
As a professional REALTOR®,  I make it my business to stay current on all the changes in today’s ever shifting market. Knowing your neighborhood,  our community at large as well as the nationwide conditions that affect us all provides me with a unique insight into what it takes to sell your home.  It is an overall team effort to ensure you have the best possible selling experience.
We have mutual objectives when it comes to selling your home.  By working together as a team and utilizing cooperation and communication we can and will accomplish the following goals:

  • In the shortest period of time
  • Securing the highest possible price
  • With the most favorable terms

The largest investment most people have is their home.  With an experienced agent on your side,  you can be secure in the knowledge that your best interests are always protected.

This information is provided by Raelene Chastain, Realtor with JLA Realty located in Humble, Texas and serving KingwoodHumbleAtascocita as well as surrounding areas. For more information about buying or selling a home, contact Raelene today at 832-795-1694or by email  Visit Raelene’s website today.  You can find Raelene Chastain on Facebook, and Twitter